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Event and Gorilla Marketing Magic

My once/month live interactive Zoom mentor session is an example of gorilla marketing.🦍 If you do it just the right way, you'll get chased around, everywhere you go,  you bring value, and it becomes fun!. When one of my playful…

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Become The Best At Everything You Do

When you're doing anything, email marketing, radio advertising, print advertising, leading a team, establishing a business, earning a client's loyalty, winning in social media... It all requires feeling true passion for helping people, and a very specific skillset; you have…

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How to Grow Your Biz with E-mail Marketing

Don’t you just hate it when you get random e-mails for something you would never, ever buy? Unfortunately, some business owners mistakenly believe that it’s smarter to hit as many people as possible via email, because someone is bound to…

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Finding and Fueling Your Magic

When I talk about finding and fueling your magic, what comes to mind? For me, it’s that intangible thing that makes me want to jump out of bed and get things done. I’m in a clear state of mind and…

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Streamline Your Business with SEO Best Practices

You’ve probably heard of search engine optimization, or SEO, which is simply the process of improving your natural ability to be found online without having to pay money for it. But not everyone uses SEO to their advantage because they…

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