Challenge #11 Crafting the Client Experience and Build and Keep a Dream Team
Crushing it in Aesthetics Challenge
Challenge #11
Welcome to my 11th Louology Crushing it in Aesthetics Challenge!
🍍🏖️This challenge teaches you how to create a crave-able haven for everyone!
🥵No matter how touch someone’s day has been or how much negative venting you hear…
🙏🏽Actively steer the conversation toward gratitude, or try to help guide them to the hidden blessings behind tough times.
💨Negative steam-blowing may sound great, but it’s not good for anyone to complain about life.
Especially you!
🌻When you enter this aesthetics biz of ours, you are no longer allowed to complain to anyone, about anything!
When your clients complain about something in their lives, normally in an effort to blow steam, just listen and empathize…think “sunflower”!🌻
🧲You’ll be admired, and craved.
🌻I know it sounds funny, but your challenge for today is to write a list of rules for yourself.
Narrow your focus on just behaviors, communication strategies, (how to turn frowns upside down), and your top priority such as what products or services you educate to your clients about while they’re under your care.
This should define your future you!
Your team should be comprised of future you’s too!
📜Think about the fact that these rules and strategies represent your training program, and they apply to everyone who ever comes to work for you as you grow.
🔮This is how you manifest success!
This list is so important!
Please do it!
🕵️Whoever YOU are as a person and a leader is exactly what gets passed down to your team as you grow!
Your team members should always be abiding by those rules you write, as should you!
♫And of course, you should hire people who naturally practice and crave the characteristics on that list. You should look up to your team members, or you hired the wrong people!
Look out for Challenge #12 in 3 days!