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Free Mini Challenge 3

Crushing it in Aesthetics Mini Challenge

Challenge #3

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Hope you’ve gotten into the mini-challenge groove!


Now that (I hope!) you have a little more clarity behind what you want to accomplish and “who you want to be”…


Watch the free video about How to Soar on Social Media!

Since you now have some clarity on who you want to be, and what you want to accomplish sooner than later:

Choose your top 1 or 2 social platforms.


Pretend you’re a client looking for you and what you have to offer. What social media profiles appeal to you?

In this exercise, it doesn’t matter where these people are located, so don’t search a town or zip, just search for the treatment or aesthetic issue you are hoping to solve (from your dream client perspective). Enter the links to those social platforms in a digital note somewhere.

Use those platforms as your model! Create or update your profiles to emulate your social role models!


From now on, whenever you post in those platforms, make sure it stays aligned with your new messaging and what you want to be known for.

Keep checking in on those profiles you liked, and keep using them for ideas; let their brilliance inspire your posts.


Talk about your goals and progress and bring your audience on your journey!

🔥In 3 days, I’ll be back to you with basic directions to geting your FB, IG, and Google Biz pages set up if you don’t have all of them set up yet! Keep an eye out!

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